Hands-On LNAV Workshop

We are very excited to announce that we are launching instrument flight procedure design (IFPD) training and decided to start with providing online workshops! For these events we have partnered with AirNavCAD which is a new company that specializes in creating their own PANS OPS software.

For many years PANS OPS training has been limited to on-site delivering for the most part and we still think it has its place in our world however the past months has shown us that there are also new environments that we can leverage to bring world class training across the world.

In different social media outlets there is always the question on where can I get instrument flight procedure design training and the follow up question is, can the training be online?

Why a 2 hour workshop on a specific training? For several reasons including the fact that the cost of the event can be far less than a comprehensive course, there are several people around the world that have taken an IFPD course but due to the nature of their organizations there is not extensive design work to keep skills sharp and also there may be people that may want to take a workshop just to get a sense and feel of what a procedure designer is actually doing.

To learn more about the workshop including date and price visit Hands On PANS OPS PBN LNAV Workshop

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The webmaster of the Instrument Flight Procedure Design site for FLYGHT7


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