Instrument Flight Procedure Design (IFPD) experts
pans ops | pbn

Expert advice for when you need it the most

+16 years experience in ANSP and Private Sector

we are experts in our areas and we streamline the whole process to make it as pain free as possible

Our services

Instrument flight procedure design is a complex subject matter and if you combine it with the fact that you need to deal also with surveys, aeronautical information management, charting, ATC and other disciplines it can sometime become overwhelming.

FLYGHT7 mission is to accompany your vision of a better airspace that is able to cope with demand with safety always first. 

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Instrument Flight Procedure Design (IFPD) - PANS OPS

  • Conventional Design
  • PBN Design
  • 5 year review
  • Procedure Audit
  • Training
  • On the Job Training
  • Aeronautical & Obstacle Surveys
  • Obstacle Limitation Surfaces
  • Flight Validation Services


Aeronautical Information Management

  • Aeronautical Charting
  • AIXM
  • FPL
  • AIP/eAIP
  • Training


Ongoing Support and Maintenance

Need help getting started, want expert advice from the operational side of things? 

Need more than just a consultant but knowledge transfer?

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By participating in this workshop (LNAV Workshop), I improved my knowledges IFPD, and now I can be more effective and a more valuable asset to my company. I really enjoyed the dynamics and sharings. Many thanks to FLYGHT7 and AirNavCAD for this workshop.
Evandro Evora
Cape Verde

Find out more about Instrument Flight Procedure Design

Why contract IFPD - PANS OPS?

Sometimes you may find that you are in the middle of a big implementation and you need support, you might in other ocassions lack the staff to do in house designs,  it could be a matter of cost-benefit specially when you have few or only one airport. It could be that you hired a third party company but lack the internal capability for supervision and audit of the design proposal. Whatever the case we are here to support you in your journey.

Project based support
Cost - Benefit
Lack of experience staff
Supervision and Audit


Level Up

Our training will provide you and your staff the kind of real insights you require to be able to thrive in this new digital environment either in the PANS OPS or AIM domains

Of the shelf or custom training adapted to your needs we are sure to cater to the real needs you have and to support your operations going forward.

We are able to deliver this training either in our partners facilities, on-site and/or remote including blended learning techniques if required using the new technologies via web. 

Don’t let your location be an issue!

aeronautical information management

eAIP + AIXM 5 + Aeronautical Charting

Have you started the migration path towards a digital AIM? If not we are here to help you our throughout the process, if you already started but find things aren’t progressing as expected we are also here for providing a clearer road ahead together 



The eAIP should be the first visible part of your digital AIM transformation and its connection to an AIXM datastore is the only way to comply going forward. We can offer different alternatives on implementing your eAIP based on industry market leader solutions



AIXM is a complex topic, even though the systems used should hide the complexity reality is that you should at least be aware of it and how it related to the AIM world specially now with the requirements for datasets. Either through training or support we are here to help, you need your own AIXM DB we can also assist with that


Aeronautical Charting

Charting is an art that needs to be mentored and crafted, automation helps no doubt but you also require attention to details and knowledge now of many more disciplines like programming, AIXM and GIS. Many times you prefer to outsource your charting and we are ok with providing you a quote for that, if you prefer to keep or bring the expertise in house then we can also provide you a hand

Engineering at our core - Solving complex issues

Subject matter experts

When you are getting a surgery you don’t want to be operated by an average doctor, you want an expert with years of experience and able to work with the latest cutting edge techniques. But you don’t settle for that you also want someone that can take the time to talk to you and get to know your needs so you can get the best care possible

At FLYGHT7 we believe you shouldn’t settle for less than subject matter experts in their areas that can help you create value for your operation through optimised and efficient workflows. Beyond that we take the time to understand your particular needs and expectations and will work together as a team.

Hours of teaching
+ 1000
years of experience
+ 1
Increase in efficiency
65 %


Expert advice when needed

Sometimes you just need ongoing support for your staff and maintenance is required to keep all of your aeronautical data up to date.  It may be you got a new department, new staff or you just want the peace of mind of knowing that at any moment some extra help is needed you will be able to contact an expert to provide you the best possible advice. 

Most IT systems have ongoing support why don’t provide the same extra level of assurance to your operations doesn’t matter if they are related to AIP, NOTAM, Charting,  Procedure Design, QMS or related AIM & IFPD area we are here to help

We can tailor a solution for your needs either through a custom plan or annual subscription of predefined hours, just like having a prepaid card to load your mobile phone you have a prepaid subscription to our expert advice and services

let's build something awesome together

Connect with us

We don’t think in terms of clients but of a community of like minded persons, ANSPs, business, etc that want to improve the efficiency, safety and the overall performance of aviation in the world. If you want to keep in touch with the latest FLYGHT7 developments or want to interact with us and other members follow our social media channels

Contact us

Why us

"...You are not just another number or increased revenue, we don't treat you like a business transaction. We care about bringing our expertise to make things better and in the process transfer the know-how to the local staff. If you call us back we genuinely want it to be because you think we are the best in what we do...."